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HR Solutions for SMEs

Melbourne HR is a human resources consulting company that specialises in developing partnerships with Small and Medium Enterprises (SME).

With our capabilities in enhancing people, strategy, and culture we lead companies to greater efficiency, retention, motivation, commitment, and increased returns.

How can we assist you?

Melbourne HR offers four main services, each one personalised to suit your specific business needs:

HR OUTSOURCING: This service involves an expert team from Melbourne HR taking over the human resource function of your organisation, in which they will be responsible for both the administrative work and management of your People and Culture.

HR OUTSOURCING: This service involves an expert team from Melbourne HR taking over the human resource function of your organisation, in which they will be responsible for both the administrative work and management of your People and Culture.

HR CONSULTING: Our Consulting Service offers a general/bespoke service, and two specific services. Each of these services are designed to help SMEs grow and excel within their respective field of work.

HR CONSULTING: Our Consulting Service offers a general/bespoke service, and two specific services. Each of these services are designed to help SMEs grow and excel within their respective field of work.

HR STRATEGY: Our Strategic HR Services are focused on creating solutions that align the People, Structural and Cultural elements of the organisation with the company’s commercial strategy

HR STRATEGY: Our Strategic HR Services are focused on creating solutions that align the People, Structural and Cultural elements of the organisation with the company’s commercial strategy

HR TRAINING: Melbourne HR's training solutions are designed to deliver real skill changes to individuals and organisations. Each one of the personalised courses is bespoke to the organisation that we develop it for.

HR TRAINING: Melbourne HR's training solutions are designed to deliver real skill changes to individuals and organisations. Each one of the personalised courses is bespoke to the organisation that we develop it for.

Learn more about Melbourne HR

Contact us

Are you interested in working with us? Want to find out more about our services? At Melbourne HR, we offer a no-pressure, cost-free consultation for your company, followed by a personalised high-level planning document that outlines outcomes, services, costs and a range of other details to help you make an informed decision about your human resources function.

Fill ou the form below and we will be in contact within three business hours.

or call 1300 784 687